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Before I Fell Page 11
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Page 11
“Don’t stay away too long, Emma. Without Persephone here, the peace is fragile, and so are Hades’ nerves,” Hermes said, shifting in place. “It’s pointless to pretend otherwise. Whether you realize it or not, you help keep him sane enough to do his job the way he needs to, so for that, you have my undying admiration…and thanks.”
He bowed once to me and disappeared, and I collapsed onto the couch, twisting my hair up into a bun. I could still feel Hades on me, every pore seeped with his smell and touch and I shivered, crossing to the bathroom to take a very hot shower.
Chapter Twelve
Portland, Oregon
Dear Emma,
I’ve kept my distance for nearly three months, knowing you needed space from me and the Underworld, but it’s time to come back. You’re overwhelmed if the uptick in souls coming to me for help is any indication. I would be more than glad to resume our training, too, if you’ll allow it. I’m not trying to pick on you, love, but you’re a little out of practice and need my guidance.
Please send Hermes word when you’ve packed.
See you soon,
I shredded the note, tossing the remnants to the tabletop as I took a sip of latte. Early morning light illuminated the coffee shop in warm butterscotch tones as the espresso machine hissed and whirled behind the counter. I ground my teeth together, refusing to let his words get to me, but they kept coming back, like a stray cat begging for food. I should’ve read the damn thing when I was at home, away from other people, where I could discretely scream out my frustrations into a throw pillow.
Writing a reply to him wasn’t as easy as I wanted it to be, either, because every time I thought about him, my mind involuntarily conjured images of being wrapped in his arms, hands skimming down my ribcage as his mouth claimed mine…
Snap out of it right now!
But if I didn’t send a letter back, explaining my situation, there was no guarantee that he wouldn’t decide to visit Portland and bring me back himself, kicking and screaming the whole way.
I set my cup down, rummaging around in my backpack for my spiral notebook and pens. Why he couldn’t figure out a way to get an Internet connection down there to send me an e-mail was beyond me. It would make this-what was bound to be a long and drawn out conversation-easier and less arduous.
I’ve been unable to find a job here. There was some mention of the fact that I’ve been out of state and jobless for nearly four years now. That never looks good on a job application, but I’ll continue to try. You’re right about one thing, you know, I do need space, and I’m not ready to come back just yet.
I’m sorry that my one-hundred-and-forty-souls a day statistic doesn’t live up to your god-like expectations, but it is what it is, and I’m trying my best with the time I have. I don’t need any guilt trips from you about how those numbers could be better.
I’ll send word when I’m ready, but don’t expect that to be anytime soon.
I tore the note out, putting my pen away and thought I heard a sound, like someone striking a single key on a keyboard. When I glanced down at the table again, the paper was gone.
What the heck?
I carefully scanned the crowded coffee shop, wondering who I’d have to fight today. I hadn’t seen anyone approach my table, but if the letter was in someone’s hands right now…
I jumped when another piece of paper materialized in front of me.
I can make this easy or difficult for you-it’s your call. Since you didn’t deny the fact that you’re completely over your head, I’ll take that as a ‘yes’ and if so, you should know that there’s a limit to the amount of energy the souls can take from you before there are unintended consequences.
Come home, now. Don’t make me ask again.
Oh hell no.
If he thinks he’s going to manipulate me with all this macho crap, he can think again. I grabbed another sheet of paper, not even pausing to consider how my words sounded as I took all my frustration and anger out on the pen.
Did you really think threatening me was going to work? I’m not afraid of you, or what you’re capable of, because I know you wouldn’t ever hurt me. Not even to get me to return, which I don’t want to do right now. And from now on, I’m going to hang out in public spaces all day every day, so that you can’t make a scene. How’s that for retaliation? What we had between us in the Underworld was nice and all, but now you’re starting to piss me off.
I’m not coming back. I have no idea why you want me there so badly in the first place, but I don’t care. I haven’t turned anyone into a Fury lately, and I’ll find a way to manage the stress on my own. I have in the past. I’ll be fine, but thanks for the fake sincerity.
You’re just using me because I’ve proven that I can do what you do and still have a life that’s not tethered to the Underworld, or to you. If I were immortal, maybe that wouldn’t be the case, but I’m not and never will be.
Leave me alone, please.
The paper disappeared, and I sat back in my chair, gnawing on a thumbnail as I waited. His response, this time, was slow coming and I began to panic as the minutes ticked by. Was I too forward in my statements? I didn’t exactly want to see the look on his face as he read what I wrote, but not knowing what was taking him so long was painful, too.
I heard the metallic ping and immediately reached for it, hands trembling.
How many times do I need to tell you that I love you before you believe me? How many times do I need to save you before you understand that everything I’m doing, where you’re concerned, is to keep you safe? If you had my strength and experience, you wouldn’t question why I’m doing this. Please just trust me, for once, when I tell you that my only goal is to make you happy, and I can’t do that if you’re constantly in Portland. You know that I can’t be there with you, not after what happened between myself and Persephone.
I’ll see you soon.
The blood ran hot then icy cold through my veins as I jackknifed up, stuffing everything into my bag. He was coming, when? Now? Tomorrow?
No, no, no. I’m not ready to see him yet.
I had to go home, grab Bailey and maybe camp out at mom and dad’s place for a bit. They already extended the invitation to me twice in the past two weeks, so why not?
I tip-toed up the stairs to my apartment, trying to sense or hear anything inside-anything that might indicate he was already there, waiting for me, but heard nothing.
So much for staying in public places, Emma. Grab and dash. That’s the plan.
The spirit world, it seemed, wasn’t on board.
Souls stretched the entire length of my place, snapping to attention as soon as I entered, and I balked, pressing myself against the front door.
“I-I can’t help you right now, so it’s probably best if you find Hades instead.”
“He’s not available,” one woman hissed, stepping out of line. “He put up the equivalent of an away message, so now, we’re here.”
I rolled my eyes as I moved into the bedroom, banging drawers open.
“What about Persephone? She’s a death goddess, too, so go find her.”
“She can only do so much,” another woman said near the back. “Are you going to help us, or not?”
No, please go away.
“Ten. I’ll help ten of you and the rest, go find Persephone.”
The group shifted restlessly, surging forwards and backward like a tidal wave.
“I said go!”
Half of them disappeared and I sighed, tossing shirts and pants into my bag. I was so sick of doing this over and over again. It felt like I didn’t live here anymore. “Alright, who’s first?”
They surrounded me, pressing in from all sides, and I held up my hands to ward them off, but their energies pulsed around and through me and I felt di
zzy-lightheaded-like I’d gone one too many times on a rollercoaster.
When was the last time I ate something? ‘There’s a limit to the amount of energy the souls can take from you before there are unintended consequences.’
Well, shit. “Stop, please.”
My body tilted to the side and I reached out, catching myself on the edge of the bed as I sank to the floor. In the distance I heard the sound of the front door opening and closing, heavy footsteps crossing the living room before I was yanked up into a pair of muscled arms, and I buried myself in them, not caring who it was or where they were taking me, so long as they stopped the spirits from bothering me.
I felt a gentle breeze caress my cheek seconds before I smelled it-cinnamon-and sneezed violently. That sapped whatever strength I had left in me as darkness reached up to snatch me away.
Chapter Thirteen
The Underworld
Awareness came slowly and with it, a raging headache. I sat up, propping myself against the stack of pillows behind me as I gazed around the suite, a roaring fire burning bright in the floor to ceiling stone fireplace. Books lay, stacked haphazardly on nearly every surface and in the far corner, I could just make out a hint of cream-colored bathroom tile, steam billowing through the door like smoke.
I swung my legs out from under the heavy fur-lined bedspread, stretching them down until they contacted the smooth floor, surprisingly warm and squishy, like walking through the carpet. I followed the steam, so completely tired and worn out that it took everything I had just to make it to the sunken tub. I stripped, stepping down into the warm water with a little sigh of relief, leaning back against the black marble.
My whole body felt tense as I lazily swirled a hand through the bubble bath. I had a nagging feeling, in the back of my mind, that I knew exactly where I was, but didn’t voice it until the bathroom door swung open and he filled the space, glass of orange juice in one hand and Ibuprofen in the other. I closed my eyes, sinking down further in the tub.
“Should’ve known it was you.”
“How do you feel?”
“Like shit, Hades, but thanks for asking. Where’s Bailey?”
“In your suite, sleeping.”
“And, where am I?”
He sat next to me, holding the glass and medicine out for me to take. “In my suite, where you’ll stay for the foreseeable future.”
I choked on a bit of juice, sputtering as he leaned over and whacked me on the back.
“I’m sorry, I must’ve misheard you, because it sounded an awful lot like you just said, ‘where you’ll stay’.”
“I did.”
I laughed, reaching out for a towel as I stepped from the bath, ignoring the hand he offered. “I would point out how absolutely ridiculous that statement is, but I think you already know. Woah.” I leaned heavily against the countertop, world dancing and spinning for one crazy minute. I felt him take my elbow, gently, like I was made of glass, and I shook him off, straightening. “I’m fine. I need to take it a little slower next time, that’s all. Just curious-there aren’t actually two of you, are there?”
He caught me as I fell, scooping me up in his arms again as he carried me back to bed. “You need to rest, Emma. It’ll take you more than a day to recover your strength.” He covered me with blankets, sitting on the edge of the bed.
“I don’t need to be babied, Hades.”
“You could’ve died last night if I hadn’t been there.”
“What did you want in return? A ‘thank you’?”
“That’s a good start.”
“Thank you, Hades, for saving me. Now, please leave.”
“This is my room.”
“Go to mine, then! I need space.”
“Emma, drop it. I’m staying.”
I glared at him before turning over, tucking the sheets up under my chin as I felt him slide in behind me.
“I left you to be in Portland, but that wasn’t good enough for you. You have this irrational need to dominate people and it’s more than a little frustrating. I don’t want to be here anymore, because it’s too difficult.”
He draped an arm across my waist. “What happens next time you can’t handle the spiritual overload, and I’m not there to help?”
I shrugged him off. “It won’t because I’ll take better precautions next time.”
He pushed my hair aside, kissing the back of my neck. “Send your souls to me and I’ll take care of them for you.”
“Oh, no,” I said, standing to brace myself on the mattress. “You got me into this mess in the first place so now, I’m getting myself out of it again.”
“How do you propose to do that?” He asked, leaning forward to toy with a lock of my hair.
“I don’t know yet.”
“So, you have no plan and no way, currently, to handle the energy-sapping souls who need your help. Does that sum it up?”
“I’ve been just fine for years.”
He smiled, sitting up as I paced in front of the fireplace. “Your attention wasn’t scattered in so many places before now. You took on too much at once and this, unfortunately, is the consequence.”
I stopped, hand flying to my forehead. “Oh shit, Sam!”
“Who’s Sam?”
“My we’re-taking-things-slow-sort-of-boyfriend. I was supposed to meet him for dinner last night, but then the souls ambushed me.”
A stormy, pissed-off look crossed his face as I fished around my coat pockets for my cell phone.
No reception. Damn!
“When did this boyfriend thing happen?”
“After I returned to Portland. Though, that’s probably soon to be ex sort-of boyfriend since I stood him up.”
“I’m not going to pretend to be sad about that-”
“You’re such an ass.”
“But, seeing as you’re clearly distraught over this-”
“Again, you really shouldn’t act as you care about him in any way shape or form.”
I held the cellphone up, groaning in frustration when the bars ping-ponged between zero and one.
“I’m willing to take you home, just for a little bit.”
My head whipped towards him as he folded his hands behind his head leisurely.
“Wait, what? Ten seconds ago, you weren’t going to let me out of your sight.”
“Not to stay, of course, but a day should be enough time to clear things up with your mor-Sam.”
I eyed him warily. “You want something, don’t you?”
“A promise. That you’ll go back to Portland only when I think you’re ready-not before-and while you’re here, you’ll stay with me in my rooms, so I can better protect you.”
This is a trap, Emma. You know it’s a trap, so don’t be stupid. He’ll never think you’re ‘ready’. Is Sam really worth this? He knows too much about your gifts, but no one will ever believe him, so tell Hades ‘no deal’ right now!
“Fine. But if you try to trick me again, I’ll kill you.”
He smirked. “Noted. If you wanted to wait until tomorrow morning, I could have Hermes accompany us to-”
“No. Now.”
An anxious look passed across his face as I slid a shirt over my head. “One more night, Emma. Please. If the souls find you while we’re there-”
“You’ll handle it. I’m not a fragile little flower, Hades. Oh, speaking of all things floral, while I’m hunting Sam down, you should go see Persephone.”
“She told me to stay away, though I wouldn’t object-”
“She’s doing this on her own. You’ve had over two millennia to figure it out, but she was never meant to do this in the first place. Go talk to her. Okay, I’m ready.” I approached him, taking his arm as his eyes met mine.
“Please be careful. Dodge their advances if you have to.”
“Won’t that turn them into Furies?”
“No. They’ll sense me there, and hopefully leave you alone.” He dropped me off on the landing of my apartment building. “You have four
hours to sort everything out. After that, if you’re not back here, I’ll come for you.”
I grabbed his arm again as he turned to walk away. “Talk to her, Hades, and don’t give up. We both know how stubborn she can be.”
“I don’t need advice where my wife is concerned, but I appreciate the effort. Don’t go near the souls.”
He disappeared and I rolled my eyes as I unlocked the front door, freezing in place.
“When I heard you were coming back to Portland, I almost didn’t believe it, but here you are! How much did you have to twist his arm this time?” Poseidon tossed the book he held to the couch, approaching me slowly, eyes sweeping over me from head to toe. “You look tired. Are Hades’ sexual appetites too much for you?”
I stomped my way to the kitchen, grabbing a bowl from the cupboard as he followed, leaning casually against the wall.
“Not that it’s any of your goddamned business, but we’re not together. Not in any way that matters.” I poured myself a generous serving of Lucky Charms. “Why are you here, anyway?”
“I need a favor.”
“And you came to me for help? You must be desperate.”
He shifted from foot to foot awkwardly a first for him. “Kronos took something that belongs to me.”
“And naturally, I was the first person you thought of to ask for help?”
“He stole my wife, Amphitrite.”
I almost dropped the bowl, eyes wide. “You have a wife? Ugh, you gods are all the same! You have someone to spend eternity with, but that’s never good enough for you. You want the first piece of tail that wanders past. No wonder you all have so many kids.”
He regarded me coolly for a moment before flicking his fingers, encasing me in another water cocoon. “We’re immortal, Emma. Staying with the same woman until the end of time gets awfully boring. Sometimes I envy you mortals and your blessedly short lifespan. But, enough chit-chat. We have places to be, women to trade, you know, just another average day.”