Before I Fell Read online

Page 12

  Women to trade? Oh hell no.

  I lashed out violently but it made little difference as he poofed us out of the apartment.


  “You know, I wasn’t hungry before, but I am now. Thanks.” Poseidon took the bowl from me as I shivered, wrapping my arms around myself. Thick fog swirled around us, clinging to our clothes as shapes and bits of-something-darted through it all, too fast to follow, but it made the hair on the nape of my neck stand straight up.

  “Where are we?”

  “Tartarus. Watch it!”

  I stumbled into a soul, which dissipated like water over hot rocks. “Poseidon, I can’t be here. The souls-”

  “Relax, they won’t hurt you-they can’t. Ever wonder what the opposite of Elysium looked like? Ta-da!”

  “I need to go back to Portland as soon as possible, so if you’d just-” I twisted out of his grip, spinning around but he caught me, hauling me over his shoulder.

  “He’ll enjoy your fire, that’s for sure. You’re a little younger than most of his wives have been in the past, but I see that as a benefit, mom.”

  “Never call me that again if you still want two eyes, you evil little parasite.”

  “Play along,” he said, holding me tight. “When I get Amphy back, I’ll come for you, too.”

  “I don’t believe you. Put me down!”

  “I suppose I deserved that, but what choice have you got? You can’t get back home by yourself, so you might as well enjoy the adventure.”

  “Hades will-”

  Poseidon laughed, shifting me in his arms. “Mr. Fiery Britches will soon be too busy dealing with his wife to worry about you. Face it, Emma, you’re on your own.”

  “You know, I told you not to kidnap me again and yet, here you are, kidnapping me.”

  “This? No, this is a forced arrangement to get you to help me, after which I’ll return you to your dingy little apartment without a scratch or piece of hair out of place.”

  “So I won’t have to marry your dad?”

  “You probably will but look on the bright side, being married to him isn’t technically legal by any stretch of the imagination. It’s like play-acting. On a much grander scale. And the only reason you’re going through this at all is to save my wife from a rather ugly pissing match between me and my old man. The gods won’t recognize your union and then boom! You’re free to go. Easy. Ah, here we are.”

  He put me down, spinning me around. The entrance to the castle was done in shades of black and grey, menacing-looking gargoyles flanking the battlements. It was bleak, depressing, and perfectly suitable for the lord of Hell.

  “Alright, remember what I told you,” Poseidon said, arm around my shoulders and this time, I didn’t bother shoving him off. “This is temporary and contingent on you keeping dear old dad’s attention long enough for me to sneak Amphitrite away. Once she’s safe at home, I’ll come for you, got it?”

  “Oh, sure, easy peasy. I’ll just smack some Shahrazad charm on him and hope he doesn’t kill me before you come back,” I said sarcastically. “This is an absolutely ridiculous plan, Poseidon!”

  “You kept my brother’s attention longer than a few moments, remember? I have faith in you.”

  I glared back at him, feeling an odd little swirling in my gut like I was seconds from bad gas or puking all over the expensive-looking black and white brick bridge underfoot.

  “I knew it smelled like fish out here.”

  A man materialized in front of us, tucking his hands into the pockets of his tailored pants as he gave us both the once-over.

  “Hey, dad. Long time, no summons! You look good. Have you been working out?”

  Kronos smiled, though it was wicked and cruel and made my soul hurt. “Chasing your stupid wife is wearing me out. I’ll eventually have her, though, because she can only run so far and fast for so long. Poor dear.”

  Poseidon pulled his lip up over his teeth, a soft snarl building low in his throat and I stepped forward before I could stop myself, knees shaking.

  “How about a trade, then? Me for Amphitrite.”

  Kronos scoffed. “A human? Please-I’d break you like a twig.”

  You presumptuous little piece of shit.

  “You could try,” I said sweetly, not without a little bit of malice and he winged a single eyebrow in question.

  “What could you possibly have that a goddess doesn’t?”

  My hand closed around the pepper spray in my pocket, flipping the lid. “This.”

  I sprayed him directly in the face, making sure I got his eyes for good measure and he roared, dropping to one knee as I sprinted back the way we’d come, Poseidon hot on my heels.

  “What the devil was that for?”

  “I’m not going to live with that awful man, not even for a single day. I’m sorry, I know what that means for your wife.”

  “You agreed to help!”

  “No. You dragged me here against my will. Ohmygod wait.” I stopped as pain, like a white-hot knife, rippled through my side and I collapsed to the ground, panting. “How do we. Get out. Of here?”

  “I explained this to you, but you didn’t listen. There’s no escape for you, not without my help. It’s a clever and maniacal way of keeping souls trapped here forever, stewing in their own anger and pain.”

  “There has to be another way.”

  “To what, exactly? Leave, or get my dad to release my wife, which likely won’t happen now, thanks to you?”

  “Both. I’m so sorr-”

  “You’re right, son, this is perfect.” Kronos grabbed my arm, yanking me to my feet before crushing me against his chest, coarse fibers of his suit chaffing my cheek. “In all my long existence, I’ve never had anyone treat me the way you just did, little one. I find it rather…arousing.”

  He snapped his fingers and Poseidon rushed forward as a woman appeared, white cotton dress torn, blood oozing down her arms from several puncture wounds.

  “What did you do to her?” Poseidon said, enraged, as Kronos shrugged.

  “I didn’t say the castle was safe, did I? Go on now-you have your woman, and I have mine.” He ran a hand up and down my back and I shivered, leaning away from him as far as the space allowed.

  Poseidon wrapped an arm around Amphitrite’s waist as his eyes met mine and in them, I saw both thanks and promise, though I wasn’t in the mood to acknowledge either now, just deep, unrelenting rage as Kronos dragged me up and over the bridge, each of my steps measuring at least three of his.

  “I can’t promise that I’ll be gentle with you,” he whispered into my ear. “But you’re the first mortal that’s been here who wasn’t already dead, so I’ll admit that I don’t know what to do with you.”

  “How about you let me go and we pretend like none of this ever happened?”

  I felt his laugh before I heard it and staunchly avoided his amused gaze. “That’s not how bargains work, little one. My fishy son traded you for his wife, and now you’re mine.”

  “No, I did that, to save them both.”

  “If you really believe that you had a choice in the matter, you’re more naïve than I gave you credit for. I baited him, and he baited you.”

  I wanted to laugh but didn’t know what would happen if I did. I was so out of my element with him-completely without options or ideas, and that fact scared me to death. I could wait for Hades to realize I was missing from Portland, or I could bet on Poseidon keeping his word that he’ll come back for me, even as my gut sank with the realization that I might very well have to save myself this time.

  Well, poop.

  “Stay here until I send for you,” he said, pushing me through a set of double doors before leaving again.

  I whirled around, taking in the massive four-poster bed and black-tiled bathroom before rushing the windows, pushing against the latches and groaning when they refused to budge.

  Great. Just great. Now what?

  The answer came to me so suddenly that I didn’t have a cha
nce to think about it, just did it, and hoped I was doing the right thing.

  Hades, I don’t know if this is going to work, and if it does, I don’t know if enough time has passed in Portland for you to notice that I’m gone, but if you have, please find me. Your diabolical brother traded me to your dad in exchange for his wife’s release, and I have absolutely no idea what he has planned for me now. I’d rather not find out. If you rescue me…

  I paused, knowing what I had to say next, and not liking it. Not one bit.

  I’ll train with you in the Underworld and deflect my spirits to you until I can handle them as you wanted. Staying in your bedroom is negotiable.

  “Did you mean it?” Hades appeared, holding his arms out as I jumped and threw myself into them.

  “You heard me!”

  He smiled and brushed a lock of hair away from my face. “I wasn’t sure that was a possibility, but I’m glad to know it is. Did you mean what you said?”

  “Yes, I did. Now please get me out of here.”

  He held up a hand to silence me, listening intently. “Kronos is coming.” He pushed past me into the bathroom, closing the door slightly so that he wouldn’t be seen as I crossed to the bed, sliding under the covers. A second later, I heard Kronos enter.

  “Darling, what are you doing in bed? It’s three o’clock in the afternoon! You weren’t pining for me, were you?”

  I stretched like I’d been taking a cat nap, careful not to look towards the bathroom. “Why on earth would I do that, when it’s obvious how much I can’t stand you?”

  He tsked, approaching me. “I hate fighting on my wedding day.”

  “Oh, you’re getting married? That’s nice. Who’s the unlucky gal this time?”

  He reached forward, pulling me up. “You, of course. Get ready-the ceremony is in twenty minutes.”


  I stopped him, heart pounding through my chest. “I’m not-I’m not going to marry you, Kronos. I barely know you.”

  And I can’t stand you, I think you’re cruel, ugly and manipulative, and your breath smells like moldy Cheetos.

  He winged an eyebrow, amused. “What does that have to do with anything? I’ve married girls before without telling them until the wedding night. Be grateful you know now. Twenty minutes.”

  He left, swinging the door shut behind him and I gasped, sinking to the floor. Hades joined me there, scooping me up.

  “I can’t breathe.”

  “It won’t happen, Emma.”

  “No, you’re right, it won’t, because you’re going to take me away from this place now. God, is it hot in here to you, too?”

  “If I do that, Kronos will know it was me, and I’d rather not start a war with my father. That would be ugly.”

  “Leaving aside the question of how he’d know it was you, since last time I checked he doesn’t even know about us, I never wanted to be here in the first place, and still don’t. Let’s go.”

  “Wait,” he said, pulling on my arm as I stood. “He thinks that you’re his property now, right? We can use this to our benefit.”

  I narrowed my eyes, folding my arms across my chest. “So, now you want to use me, too? That’s so typical.”

  “Persephone and I have tried for millennia to reason with him, but he won’t listen. You’re in a unique situation to change that.”

  “He’s not going to listen to me, he just thinks that I’m a fragile little human.”

  “Who’s not his blood. You don’t have a history with him, so you can make another deal. He might actually listen.”

  “Do you realize how crazy you sound right now? He could just kill me for questioning his almighty authority, that’s another valid possibility. I really didn’t want to take a mini vacation here, Hades.”

  I was perilously close to pouting, but dang it, after living a somewhat normal life for the last three months, in the last twenty-four hours I’d been attacked and drained by frustrated spirits, kidnapped by Poseidon, traded like a cow to someone dark, scary and more manipulative than Hades, and now the gods needed me again to be a pawn in their never-ending power struggle? Nuh-uh. No way.

  “I just wanted a chance at a semi-normal life, however long it lasted.”

  “That’s long gone, and I’m sorry for it.”

  “No, you’re not.”

  “Will you do it?”

  I tapped my foot irritably, not liking my options. Bargain for my freedom on Hades’ behalf and hope against all hope that Kronos doesn’t kill me on the spot or tell Hades ‘no deal’ and risk him killing me anyways. Either way, I played a dangerous game. One that had an extremely high risk of failing.

  “Am I supposed to talk to him before or after he makes me the Queen of Hell?” I giggled at the thought and saw a murderous expression cross his face.

  “I don’t find anything about that question even remotely funny.”

  “What am I supposed to bargain, anyway? It’s not like I have anything here with me except myself-oh hell no, Hades!”

  He jerked like he’d been electrocuted. “Why would you ever think that would be an option?” He stormed towards me and I backed up, startled.

  “Stop jumping down my throat, alright? That was the only thing I could think of.”

  “Do you really think so little of me that I’d allow that bastard to touch you? Or that I’d consider it in the first place?”

  I held up my hands toward him, an automatic response that I wish I could stop doing around him. His wildly unpredictable moods were getting on my last damned nerve.

  “I don’t know, alright? You told me once that you’d do anything to save me and-”

  “You thought that’s what I meant? Goddess, no. I want you to bargain your release for the promise that so long as I live, and reign, I won’t interfere in his business again. We’ll send his souls to him, even the misplaced ones, and won’t attempt to get them back. That should placate him.”

  “Hades, that’s not fai-”

  “It’s the only deal that has even the slightest chance of working. He values his privacy more than anything else in this world, so I think he’ll listen.”

  “And, if he doesn’t?”

  “We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.”

  He was still angry-that much was clear by his biting, sour tone-and I didn’t know how to make things better.

  “I have to get dressed,” I said eventually, moving towards a set of dresser drawers. “Unless, of course, you wanted to sneak me out…?”

  He shook his head and I ground my teeth together, stomping away. “Of course not.”

  “I’m sorry that this is the way it has to be, but-”

  “Hades! Fancy meeting you here.” Kronos appeared in front of us, tucking his hands into the pockets of his suit.

  Hades pushed me behind him, shielding me with his body. “I don’t want a fight.”

  “Oh, but it’s in your nature, son. If you didn’t want to kill me, why are you here, and why are you protecting her?” He gestured to me, waggling his fingers and I glanced away, disgusted.

  “She’s my soulmate. I’ll always protect her.”

  Soulmate? He’s never said that out loud, not even when I confronted him about it.

  “Soulmate? This…human? I think you’re mistaken.”

  I felt my lip pull back over my teeth as I tried to barrel my way past Hades, who stood firm.

  “She’s the only one I’ve ever met who can do what I do. I’d say that’s pretty damn special, wouldn’t you?”

  “A soulmate…” Kronos walked away from us as I glanced between the two men, wanting so much to pepper spray Kronos again and make a run for it, and knowing at the same time that it wouldn’t do me any good. “And, you’re sure about this?” He asked as Hades nodded. “Interesting…” He slapped a hand to his knee, making me jump. “Oh, that’s rich! I would give anything to see the look on Persephone’s face when she learns this news.”

  Hades avoided my eyes as he answered, kicking at a
dust bunny. “Emma and I were never a thing, and never will be. So, there’s nothing for Persephone to know.”

  I could hear the warning undercurrent in his voice and felt my face flush with, what, exactly? Anger? Embarrassment? Even as my mind flashed back to the night we spent in each other’s arms as dawn bled to day, limbs entangled. That didn’t seem like nothing to me, but what did I know? I was so far upstream without a paddle right now that it might be near impossible to find land again. Besides, my pride could take it.

  “Don’t make this into something it’s not,” Hades mumbled to me and I glared at his back. What did that mean? That my thoughts were stupid, or that he was putting on a show for Kronos? Did it matter at this point, as long as he got me out?

  “If you’re not a thing, then you won’t mind if I claimed her for myself,” Kronos said, smiling.

  Hades, damn you, get me out of this right now!

  “What use is she to you?”

  “Except knowing that it would bother you?” He asked, nonchalant. “Nothing. She’s just another prize.”

  You little…

  I surged forward and Hades caught me, dragging me back as Kronos watched the whole exchange, eyebrows raised. “I want to make a deal with you,” I said, teeth clenched.

  I’d love to pummel your face in and watch as you bleed out on the floor.

  “A deal, huh? What sort of deal did you have in mind?”

  I looked at Hades, who nodded.

  “My freedom for Hades’ permanent absence from your kingdom. He won’t bother you ever again or attempt to get any souls back that accidentally end up here.”

  Kronos blinked in surprise, glancing from Hades to me and back again. “You let your human speak for you?”

  “Yes. If you release Emma, you’ll never hear from me, or Persephone, ever again.”

  He considered this, shrewd eyes dancing back and forth between us. “Is she really worth this much trouble?”

  I wish people would stop asking that.

  One curt, brief nod from Hades. “Do you agree to our terms?”

  Kronos sighed, looking back at me forlornly. “I was looking forward to our wedding night, dear one, but this new offer is simply too good to refuse. Very well, I accept.”